Additional Needs
We believe that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education which will enable them to achieve their full potential and become confident individuals, living fulfilling lives.
For some children this means that we make special educational provision. This is support that is additional to or different from the provision normally available to pupils of the same age.
We use our best endeavours to ensure that a child with special needs gets the support they need and that they engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have special needs. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or might have special needs.
The school regularly reviews the quality of teaching for all pupils, including those at risk of underachievement. The class teacher is responsible for the progress of all pupils in their class, including where pupils have support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
The following documents will give you more information in relation to SEND and how school and home can support children. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact me:
Mrs J Finch :
School Information Report SEND Policy
Local Authorities have a duty to publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available in their area across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have EHC plans.
Warwickshire SEND Offer - SEND Advice for Parents - Government