Class 4


Welcome to a new year and I hope you all enjoyed your summer holidays. This promises to be an exciting term and I have enjoyed planning a range of exciting learning opportunities for the children. I will be teaching Class 4 each day, apart from on Friday afternoon, which is my planning time.  Mr Finch will be in class during this time to teach RE and PE. The children will also be supported in their learning by Mrs Longhi, who is Class 4’s teaching assistant.


Class 4 will have PE on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon and children will need to wear their PE kits to school on these days.  We will be outside for our PE lessons unless there is heavy rain.  It is therefore suggested that a school tracksuit is purchased to wear during the winter months.

All children will also need a water bottle for their PE lessons. 

Please can you make sure that all clothing and water bottles are named as we are currently finding lots of unnamed items which are rarely claimed.


Home Learning

This term, homework will continue to be set on a Friday to be returned or completed online for the following Friday.

Homework each week will be consist of -


  • 20 minutes online times table practise – on Times Table Rock Stars
  • 10 minutes spelling on Spelling Shed
  • Maths - in workbooks
  • Reading – 5 times per week and recorded on Boom Reader


In Key Stage 2, children continue to secure their reading skills and are encouraged to read widely and regularly to develop their vocabulary.  Children are also taught how to justify their views regarding what they have read, which further develops their comprehension skills.

Each half term, the children will sit a STAR reader test which will determine their book level.  This is calculated by testing the children’s understanding of a wide range of levelled text types.  It is really important that your child reads within the recommended book level as books that are outside of this range will be either too easy or difficult to understand.  All books in school are levelled and books from home can be checked on

To support reading, it is important that children continue to read regularly to an adult at home at least 5 times per week. Reading sessions should include discussion of characters and plot or retrieval of information to help your child develop their comprehension skills. Any new vocabulary encountered can also be discussed in context.

The Millionaires’ Club is also continuing.  Certificates will be awarded for children reaching a word count of 50k, 75k, 100k, 150k, 200k, 250k, 500k, 750k and 1 million words.


Thank you for all your support at home.  It is much appreciated.


Please see the newsletter for more class information.