Ofsted and financial benchmarking
Key Findings of our most recent report – March 2022
Leaders have created a rich curriculum, based on the national curriculum. Staff, inspired by the headteacher, work hard to ensure all pupils become enthusiastic about learning.
Behaviour in lessons and around the school is very positive. Pupils are polite, kind and caring. Staff have high expectations of pupils. They show pupils respect and pupils respond likewise. Pupils, parents and carers are proud of their school and its family feeling.
Leaders, staff and pupils are passionate about the joys and importance of reading. Pupils across the school sit engrossed listening to well-read stories at the end of the day.
Leaders quickly identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers ensure that pupils with SEND receive the support they need to succeed and participate fully in the life of the school.
Leaders are clear about what they want pupils to learn in mathematics. Pupils develop fluency in number operations and calculations. They develop problem-solving skills and are beginning to become more confident in explaining their reasoning. Pupils enjoy their mathematics lessons. They talk confidently about what they have learned, using correct mathematical language.
The Leaders and pupils are proud of their modern foreign languages provision. Pupils’ ability to speak and hold conversations in Spanish is of a very high standard. Their writing in Spanish is developing well.
All staff know their pupils and families extremely well. They quickly notice any signs that may give cause for concern. They follow up any issues identified to ensure that pupils are safe and that families receive any help they may need. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including when online. They know the importance of talking about anything that worries them.
To read the rest of the report please click here.