School Worship


Religious Education teaching follows both the Warwickshire SACRE and Understanding Christianity provisions, giving opportunities to explore both the Christian tradition and the beliefs and practices of other faiths.

To read our RE policy please click here.


Collective worship is held three times a week when the school meets together to explore a variety of religious, spiritual and moral themes usually based on Christianity and Christian Values. We focus on a different Christian Value each half term with a displays linked to the value displayed in the Hall and in each classroom. A group of children, known as Faith Alive, help to organise and participate in Collective Worship.



We are proud of our Church of England affiliation and our close links with The Church of the Holy Ascension. Various church members visit the school on a regular basis; supporting pupils in their work and hosting assemblies. The children make regular visits to the church as part of their RE work and the whole school community attends church for services at Harvest, Easter and Christmas. A couple of times a year, we host events for the Church Friendship Group entertaining them with songs, dances, readings and providing refreshments for them to enjoy.


Our Partnership with the church continues with the Lighting the Candle group. This group challenges the children to think about the Collective Worship they experience in schools and to play an active and thoughtful part in it. It is an interactive, flexible resource for engaging primary children in their own spiritual journey; giving them tools to help them in planning and leading of worship. Each of the three levels, bronze, silver and gold, contains four sections: a sense of space, a sense of community, a sense of wonder and a sense of Christian tradition.


SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it. Church schools will employ a variety of strategies and styles, which reflect their particular local context or church tradition in order to be distinctive and effective.

To read our report please click here.